
Cyprus Casino Consultant provides services on all aspects relating to the world of casinos. In addition to this, we are also interested in exploring any other proposals or cooperation where our expertise may be required, and are ready and able to undertake anything that is innovative and pioneering.

Our primary focus is always our client, and our aim is not to simply proceed in the way that we know, but to ensure that we have a clear perspective on what each individual client envisages.

In this way, we can provide them with all the necessary information so that we can make the right decisions together - as a team - to bring about positive results.

1 Ioanni Fyta Str, 136 79 Panorama Parnithas, Greece              
+30 6944 326320 (Greece) or +357 96 449452 (Cyprus)
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A hard working and results-driven Casino Management professional who combines a strong customer-service focus with exceptional strategic planning and organizational skills. Proven across a range of gaming environments, applying creativity and analytical problem-solving abilities to resolve complex challenges and drive financial performance. A positive, pro-active individual with an outstanding ability to lead and motivate, displaying an in-depth knowledge of the industry, and committed to achieving the highest levels of individual and team performance.